
The Regional Manager

The regional manager manages a team of at least six city managers operating in a region, province, canton or department of a country. Thus, the regional manager has at least 42 people to train and manage. Each time one of the brokers of his city managers concludes a subscription or a transaction, the regional manager receives a commission of 1.2% on this subscription of private capital contribution or 1% in addition to this transaction of contribution of private capital, 0.25% on a private debt securities subscription, 0.1% on a private debt securities transaction. Commissions on private debt securities are paid annually for the entire term of the loan, but only if the issuer of the loan respects and pays debt service payments on time and the network manager, network manager, actually received his partial commission payments.

All hierarchy commissions are cumulative downwards, this means that a regional manager who sells directly to an investor will get his broker’s commission, his city manager’s commission and his own regional manager’s commission.

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